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Data analysis and reporting solution for cathodoluminescence

A typical hyperspectral map registered by an Attolight CL tool corresponds of 256 pixel x 256 pixel. At every pixel, intensities of over thousand colours are registered. This yields to a typical hyperspectral cube with over 56 million data points.


Attomap is Attolight’ solution to get the most out of those data points and to make data analysis a streamlined and straightforward experience. Attomap features powerful spectral analysis algorithms as well as very advanced reporting and data analysis automation features.

A hyperspectral map contains a spectrum at every pixel. Attomap allows the user to postprocess hyperspectral maps and extract the needed data.



  • Interactive visualisation of SEM images, series of spectra and hyperspectral maps

  • Automated spectral peak detection with creation of FWHM maps and peak wavelength maps

  • Spectra and series of spectra extraction from a hypercube

  • Export function for data into open data format and proprietary data format

  • system parameters in ASCII format

  • image export: jpg and png

  • hyperspectral data: ASCII and SURF (Attomap proprietary format)

  • Individual dongle to network distributed multi-user license

  • Colocalization: Co-localize 3D maps and secondary electron (SE) images


Work fast in a smart user environment in your own language and analyze series of hyperspectral maps automatically.


Report generation: interactivity and traceability

Turn your cathodoluminescence data into accurate, visual data analysis reports.


Each analysis step can be ne-tuned at any time and is recorded in a hierarchical work ow that guarantees full metrological traceability.

Visualization: 2D RGB & 3D maps

Associate spectroscopic features with colors and add the 3rd dimension to show emission intensity variations.


Color bands are associated with relevant spectroscopic features.
The 3D image makes it possible to immediately recognize emission intensity variations between features.

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